About ffacat

This website is not your typical web directory or search engine, but it can be used as one if you so choose. It is more like a crawler of sorts that can read any given url's meta tags like it's title, description and keywords (if any).. at the time of submission and add that content along with the specified url to a searchable database.

Anyone can submit a domain or it's inner pages and have it's metadata stored. The submission process is automated and super easy. To keep out clutter and spam every website submitted goes into a queue before going live. If approved, it will then be included into the database.

With that being said, if you have something worth contributing continue on to the form below. To find out if you're submission was accepted you will need to come back and perform a search on its domain or meta content as we do not collect any personal information.

Submit a url to crawl it's metadata.

Submitted content is subject to approval before inclusion. Your IP
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